Tuesday, December 23, 2014

How to Complain to the National Human Rights Commission of Bangladesh

Violation of human rights is a common phenomenon in Bangladesh. People of this land are harassed frequently by government agencies. However, citizens of this country have certain fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution. In addition, a National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has already been constituted to monitor human rights condition of the country under the National Human Rights Commission Act, 2009. Now, every citizen can complain to the NHRC in case of infringement of his/her human rights.

What are human rights: Human rights are those minimum rights of a human being which are inalienable and without those no one can alive as a human with dignity and integrity i.e. right to life, freedom of speech, right to a fair trial, right to movement etc. Every human of this universe have inherited all of these rights by born. These are universal rights irrespective of any identity and these rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible.

However, there is a distinction between crime and human rights violation. All crimes are not human rights violation; a crime would be an infringement of human rights when it happened by state mechanism or when state is being failed to prevent such violation. Nonetheless, every state has obligation to honour, uphold and fulfill human rights. Furthermore, an omission to prevent a crime may also be treated as violation of human rights.

Who can file complaint: Any person or organization can bring allegation regarding any violation of human rights to the National Human Rights Commission. Hence every human is entitled and have equal access to the NHRC irrespective of his/her race, sex, gender, religion, ethnicity, place of birth, literacy, ability etc. Moreover, NHRC has power to take action suo moto against any such violation; even it can take allegation from a news of a news media.

Against whom allegation may be brought: Any person or organization may be liable for violation of human rights and a complainant may bring accusation against him/them to the NHRC. In this regard his/her designation, identity, cast, financial ability will not be barrier to prosecute the violator. Mere involvement with the incident is sufficient to file complaint. Even any Govt. post holder or any organization could be responsible for infringement of human rights if s/he abets or provokes to the violence. An aggrieved person can also file complaint against any employee of the commission if he/she is connected with the incident.  

Which complaint can be filed: It may be related with right to life, liberty, equality, arbitrary arrest, detention, whimsical decision of any Govt. authority, inhuman/degrading treatment by the law enforcement agency, torture, abuse, enforced disappearance, abduction, kidnap, harassment, extra judicial killing etc. 

Even you can file complain before the occurrence of real incident, mere apprehension of infringement of a human right is sufficient to bring allegation. Sometimes we see that police are reluctant to take case, rather they advice to file a general diary. In that case if consequently any incident took place then the police will be liable for such omission. Because they were willfully evade and neglect the matter and were disinclined to prevent such occurrence. 

Procedure to bring allegation: A complainant can file complaint through application addressing the chairman of the commission on prescribed from (available on its web site) or on white paper and can submit through post or personally. Even s/he can take aid of facsimile/email to complain.

In that case s/he will receive a complain number after sending the complaint and can use that number for further reference. Also the applicant would be able to know about the status of his/her complaint by using that number.

In the application, s/he need to write the name and address of the complainant; name and address of the victim (if the person is different from the complainant); reason to complain/reason to apprehend; nature of violation, gravity of offence; date, time and place of occurrence; present condition of the victim; name and address of the suspects (if identified); description of the violators (if not identified); designation and office of the violator (in case of govt. employee); any action taken by the law enforcement agencies/govt.; proof of allegation (if any) etc. 

There is a selection committee in the NHRC to scrutiny the legal aspects of the allegation within 24 hours. If it finds that the allegation is beyond their jurisdiction then they will write the reason and contact with the complainant within three days from the date of receiving the application. In that case they also advice him/her about his/her required steps to get redress. Moreover, they may assist you by providing essential legal supports and fess to conduct the case.

Commission’s power to settle the matter: National Human Rights Commission is a distinct autonomous and independent state organization run by the money of the taxpayers of the country and all services provided by this organization is fully free of cost. The commission has power to summon and interrogate any person, take evidence after oath, inspect any document and can conduct necessary inquiry. 

Moreover the commission can mediate the matter between the victim and the alleged perpetrators. If the initiative is failed, then it can recommend to the concern authority to lodge a case against the violator. In addition, it can recommend to take such necessary steps to prevent these types of violation and to provide compensation to the victim. 

It can fine the culprit or can recommend the govt. to take necessary action against him/her. The government is bound to satisfy that recommendations under the commission’s law. Further, the commission can visit prison, safe custody, juvenile correction home, hospital, orphanage etc. and can recommend the govt. to develop their human rights condition.

Points to remember: The state has power to impose restriction upon the enjoyment of some human rights in some certain circumstances by maintaining due process of law. However, that step must ensure greater interest of the populace of the country and must be corroborated by reasoned decision and bona fide intention. Nevertheless, the Govt. has no power to limit some basic rights like: right to life in any excuse or in any circumstance. 

The NHRC cannot take any matter in their authority in case of a matter pending before a court of law. In addition, it cannot entertain any matter of a public servant which is try able under the Administrative Tribunals Act, 1980. Under the mentioned Act all civil servants will seek all of his/her service related remedy to the Administrative Tribunal; otherwise if it is connected with human rights issue, he/she may come to the NHRC. 

One may file the complaint without disclosing his/her identity and in that circumstance the commission will keep the matter confidential. If you feel any risk of security after lodging the complaint you can inform it to the commission and commission will order the law enforcers to provide sufficient security. As a citizen it should be borne in mind that right and duty is correlated with each other. Hence, you have duty to respect other’s human rights when you enjoy your rights. 

The office of the commission is situated at GulFeshan plaza (11th floor), 8, Shohid Sangbadik Seleena Parvin Sorok, Mogbazar, Dhaka-1217. You can fax or email your complaint to 88-02-8333219 and nhrc.bd@gmail.com or can call to lodge complain or to get more information to 028331494 and can take more assistance from its web site e.g. www.nhrc.org.bd.

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