National Flag

AFTER The Cabinet decision to revise 'The Bangladesh National Anthem, Flag and Emblem Order, 1972; parliament passes the bill on 20 July 2010. There is a provision in the amended new Order, If any body disrespects the flag and use as it indiscriminately, the new amended law will punish him (maximum two years’ imprisonment and Tk 10,000 fine or both). The national flag cannot be kept at half-mast excepting at the national mourning day, international mother language day and any other national day declared by the government as per the revision.

People can use the national flag on their vehicles only on the occasion of the national day, and not generally. In exercise of the powers conferred by Article 5 of the Bangladesh National Anthem, Flag and Emblem Order, 1972 (P.O. no. 130 of 1972): the National Anthem shall be played on such occasions, to such extent and at such places as may be determined by the Government from time to time. A rule of ’78 made under this Order formulates all rules and regulations relating to national flag and national anthem.

In case a foreign mission in Bangladesh wishes to play its National Anthem at a public function in Bangladesh, prior permission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall be necessary. If permission is accorded, the National Anthem of Bangladesh shall also be played in that function before the foreign National Anthem is played.

In accordance with the inserted provision “When the National Anthem is being played on the arrival of a dignitary or at the ceremonial hoisting of the Bangladesh Flag, all ranks in uniform, not being under the orders of the Officer Commanding a parade, shall stand to attention; and all Officers, including spectator officers in uniform, Junior Commissioned Officers, Warrant officers and Non-Commissioned Officers shall stand to attention saluting at the first note of the Anthem and shall keep in that position until the last note of the National Anthem has been played”.

In addition, “When the National Anthem is played and the National flag is displayed, all present shall face the flag; when the flag is not displayed, all present shall face the musicians/ band; civilians in Western head dress shall uncover their heads and civilians in any other head dress shall stand to attention”.

The law was enacted in 1972 and gone 38 yrs of such passing; we feel the necessity of updating the law! Every sovereign State of this earth has a National Anthem and National Flag. It’s effort as a symbol for that nation. Every such Flag and song of praise has some unique features relating with the convention and sprit of that nations. It is an individuality for a State, moreover a source of inspiration. That’s why the color of jersey is the color of national flag and after exultation of Mount Everest Musa appropriated our flag in the deep of the heart of the longest mount of the planet. National flag & anthem is the latent cause of stimulation. We witness previous to starting football or any other international or national game, national anthem or any theme song based on the nationalism of such has been played. Similarly after winning an award in Olympic or any other festival conqueror(s) first take their national flag over their head. We also inspired from our flag on the occasion of Independent day, Victory day or any other day which is for any reason special for us.

We achieved our National hymn and Flag after the liberation war of 1971. To achieve this distinctiveness we lost 30-lakh life! Ergo, we have a further sentiment regarding national flag and anthem. Because we invigorated by our National Anthem and flag whenever we face difficulties.

This anthem of Rabindranath and our gorgeous Green and Red flag had massive involvement during the liberation war period and other national actions like 52’s language movement, 6 points of 1966, 69’s movement etc. Rabindranath is the only poet in the world who wrote two country’s national anthem namely Bangladesh India. The lyrics and tune of our national song of praise has a magical spirit. A musician, nominated it as one of the most beautiful national anthem of the world just few yrs past!

However, a few people and a number of associations from time to time insolence our beloved National flag and national anthem, written by Kobi Guru Rabindronath. They want to build a sectarian Bangladesh. They do not perceive tangible magnitude of national flag and anthem. We must shield our this beloved wealth from themselves even by dedicating our life. Regrettably, we are deteriorating to uphold the decorum of our flag and anthem. Explaining the background of the amendment, Cabinet secretary said, “People were not showing adequate respect to the flag and anthem”.

Where is our jingoism? Can nationalism arise by enacting law? It is not a matter of law rather a matter of love, affection, morality and passion for the beloved mother earth. Why people not viewing adequate admiration to national hymn and flag. Is state not be up to snuff to arise devotion; or in an another way it can be asked that, is State endeavor to arise patriotism in the heart of its inhabitant? Readers may know well the answer of this question. It is the solemn duty of the State to create such type of respect ness in the deep of the heart of it’s inhabitant. Mere enactment of a law is not sufficient to expose respect. When State can ensure it’s obligation only then every person done his duty. Otherwise, no law will be effective.

National flag and anthem is the needle for the State. It is the pictogram of national unison. Flag is similar to a sunshade, intertwine on our head to guard the sovereignty, which we achieved by the price of one ocean blood! Hence, it is our solemn duty conferred by the Constitution to esteem national flag and anthem, which bear our identity as a Bangali. Let’s time to espouse the dignity of national song of praise and flag even by dedicating life as our freedom fighters dedicated their lives to gift us a separate identity.

[N. B. A divisional bench of the High Court Division of the Supreme Court declared a verdict on the use of National anthem as ring tone or welcome tune (the tune which can be heard after the entrance of the call to the desire phone) of cellular phone on 5 August 2010. HCD declared it illegal. Because, Art. 4 of our Constitution determine a song as our national anthem (first 10 lines of “Aamar Sonar Bangla/Ami Tomai Bhalobasi….” written by Rabindranath) and parliament enacted a law i.e. “The Bangladesh National Anthem, Flag and Emblem Order, 1972” for the use of this national anthem. This enactment consolidated all rules and regulations regarding the use of national flag and national anthem and when and how this song is sang is determined by that law. Any further use of national anthem is not lawful. Moreover, national anthem can’t be used as a matter of business. Furthermore, it creates an opportunity to denigrate our adored national song of praise. On the basis of this argument, HCD gave this verdict and ordered to give fine Tk. 50, 0000/- to five Govt. hospitals to each mobile phone operator specifically Grameen Phone, Banglalink & Rabi. However, those who are already used the ring tone and welcome tunes, what will be their fortune are not mentioned by the verdict.]

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