Thursday, November 28, 2013

When TIN shall require

TIN (Taxpayer's Identification Number) is an illustrious term in Tax phenomena. Regrettably, most of us do not know the actual utility of TIN. TIN is not only a mere number, but also has some sensible implementations and values. Nevertheless, we cannot oppose the significance of TIN for orderly arrangement of taxpayer's in our total Tax scheme. In our country, a number of people feel panic to get TIN; since they think that if they have a TIN, a burden of paying tax would inflict over them. Person having no obligation to pay taxes chargeable under the Income Tax Ordinance, 1984 is free from the lumber of paying taxes even if he has a TIN certificate.

How to get TIN: Now a day, it is very simple and hassle free to get a TIN certificate. You need not to go tax office to collect your TIN because National Board of Revenue (NBR) has introduces e-TIN registration system for the taxpayers. All existing taxpayers should register through to get their new 12 digits e-TIN certificate instead of the former 10 digits one by 31 December of this year. After inserting information the interested individual will get his/her TIN number and certificate automatically. The existing TINs will be invalid from January 1, 2014. Further, any new taxpayer can also be able to get his new TIN from his home through this process. If any individuals have no online facility he/she can collect his/her TIN certificate from his Tax area. Organizations have also require collecting e-TIN. The existing institutional Tax payers only need to input their Incorporate Certificate (IC) number in websites and all of information will updated automatically.

Where TIN is mandatory: TIN has an extra worth for the reason of its requirement in some arena of our daily affairs. Without presenting TIN certificate at that particular place(s), one cannot do his desired job. To furnish that task fruitfully it is mandatory to show TIN certificate at that place which is stipulated in S. 184A of the Income Tax Ordinance, 1984. The place(s) at which a person is required to produce the TIN certificate are:

(a) opening a letter of credit for the purpose of import or submitting an application for the purpose of obtaining an import registration certificate.
(b) renewal of trade license in the area of a city corporation or of a paurashava of a divisional headquarters or of a district headquarters.
(c) submitting tender documents for the purpose of supply of goods, execution of a contract or for rendering services.
(d) submitting an application for membership of a club registered under the Companies Act, 1994.
(e) issuance or renewal of license or enlistment of a surveyor of general insurance.
(f) registration for purchase of land, building or an apartment situated within any city corporation, deed value of which exceeds one lakh taka. However, this is not applicable in case of registration for purchase of land, building or an apartment situated within any city corporation, by a non resident Bangladeshi.
(g) registration, change of ownership or renewal of fitness of a car, jeep or a microbus as defined by the Motor Vehicles Ordinance, 1983.
(h) sanction of loan exceeding five lakh taka to a person by a commercial bank or a leasing company.
(i) issue of credit card.
(j) issue of practicing license to a doctor, a chartered accountant, a cost and management accountant, a lawyer or an income tax practitioner.
(k) giving ISD connection to any kind of telephone.
(l) registration of a company under the Companies Act, 1994 in respect of sponsor director.
(m) submission of application for a license as a Nikah Registrar under the Muslim Marriages and Divorces (Registration) Act, 1974.
(n) applying for or renewal of membership of any trade body.
(o) submitting a plan for construction of building for the purpose of obtaining approval from Rajdhani Unnyan Kartipakkha (RAJUK), Chittagong Development Authority (CDA), Khulna Development Authority (KDA) and Rajshahi Development Authority (RDA);
(p) issuance of drug license.

The grounds could be updated by modifying the Ordinance. Because some of the grounds have lost its efficacy and a number of new grounds can be inserted into the law to make TIN more meaningful and inevitable. Registration, change of ownership or renewal of a license of weapon/ship may also be added to the list. Establishing an industry would be a finest ground for presenting TIN certificate. 

TIN certificate is the symbol of consciousness of a nation. Because only cognizant citizen holds a TIN certificate not for the reason of producing that certificate at the required place(s), rather to contribute the nation by paying taxes. Payment of tax at due time is our solemn duty. If each and every capable inhabitant of our beloved motherland does this task properly, then the opulence of our country will run swiftly. We should come out from the blaming games and try to contribute to the national economy by ourselves.

Published in Dhaka Tribune at Juris page no. 5 on 21.11.2013

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