Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Reprint Vs. Amendment Dispute of Constitution

On 30 September 2010, the then Chief Justice ABM Khairul Haque after taking sworn requested to law ministry to reprint the Constitution since the provisions of original constitution that were either repealed or amended by martial law proclamations, have automatically been restored into the constitution exclusively after the verdict of the Appellate Division regarding the fifth amendment.

Because of this announcement, some of our lawyers and politicians engross with a redundant debate on the conclusive power of parliament to amend the constitution. The debate is entirely superfluous and as an attempt to make Justice Haque contentious as he might lead the next caretaker government as chief adviser (as of their opinion).

Highest court is a source of making law. Supreme Court of Bangladesh has every power to formulate laws and amend laws by virtue of Art. 7 and 111 of our constitution. We are under the system of constitutional supremacy while United Kingdom exercising parliamentary superiority. There is a maxim on preeminence of UK parliament that they do and undo everything except turning a man into a woman and vise versa. 

Constitutional supremacy means constitution is superior over the parliament and court can declare void any law passed by house of the nation, if that law is inconsistent with the constitution (Art. 7(2)). Moreover, it is the solemn responsibility of the court to protect the constitution from those types of violation and lawmakers appoint them as custodian of the constitution.

SC continuously makes law by its verdict and this judgment is obligatory over inferior courts. Hence, by making precedent SC also works as a source of law. Further, the laws made by the parliamentarian are not beyond defect. Court is the principal sector of implementing these laws and when it finds any difficulties to apply it then the court will resolve the matter by legal elucidation. It is recognized principle in legal arena that laws made by the court have equal effect as of the parliament. Even a hundred years old ritual can be a law after gratifying some conditions. So, legislature is not the only factory of making law.

A number of pleaders and politicians are not able to realize the discrepancy between reprint and amendment. Obviously, parliament has the right to create law or amend constitution. But, reprint of the constitution is not amendment of constitution. 

The special JS committee, which is formed for the amendment of the constitution, can scrutinize every facet of amending constitution and parliamentarian can amend constitution at any time if they wish. In this case court neither crossed it’s limit of power nor grabbed authority of parliament. A clear line is subsisting between the authority of judiciary and legislative body.

In our country house can’t do and undo everything. It can’t give legality of an illegal activity which was given by the second parliament in 1979. Some of the members of that parliament are today crying for the so-called violation of constitution! Where was their this sense of violation when Mr. Iajuddin took oath as chief adviser of the previous non-party caretaker govt. by violating supreme charter of the land? They gave legality of all actions, orders of the martial law regime in between August 15, 1975 to April 9, 1979. The parliament cannot ratify and validate those unconstitutional acts of usurpers.

Constitution and martial law can’t exist simultaneously. Constitution could not be amended through martial law proclamations and regulations. It is only the authority of the parliament that can amend the constitution (J Haque said in Bangladesh Italian Marble Worker Ltd. V Govt. of Bangladesh & Others, BLT (Special issue, 2006, HCD)).

When Ziaur Rahman altered their loving (?) constitution by martial law proclamations, where was their affection? Who try the illegal activities, which were done during the period of Zia by trampling constitution? House of the nation can’t alter whole of the constitution. We the mass people elect them to make laws for us but that do not mean we also give authority to change basic structure of our constitution.

Whether the constitution will reprint or not is not essential to uphold the decorum of the constitution. It is mere reprinting by which everyone will be able to know the actual provisions of constitution. From the very moment of declaring the verdict of fifth amendment case (Moon cinema hale case) the changed provisions were automatically substituted by the prior provisions into the constitution. If the modus operandi by which constitution was changed is cancel then it is needless to say the changed provisions are also withdrawn.

Now, who rise the question of violation of the authority of legislature by judiciary, they did the same when court said to do that. When another despotic ruler altered the basic structure of the constitution by setting up HC benches outside of the capital and court declare that void in 1988. In 1991 they just reprinted the constitution with Art. 100. In doing so, the parliament didn't need to pass any act to amend the constitution as the change was illegal. Mere delivering the news of cancellation of 5th amendment to the members of parliament is adequate. Ergo, their today’s sympathy for the constitution is meaningless and they done this with a mal intention to create a controversy and taking advantage from this as well.

Where law minister remarked constitution has automatically been return to it’s original form by the verdict and a divisional bench of HCD have already been given a verdict (on 04.10.’10) by inspiring the judgment of 5th amendment case that now Bangladesh is a secular country and no one can force anyone to wear religious apparels, there this type of unnecessary debate is not only unpredictable but also anxious for us.

Legislature and judiciary is two separate organ of the state. Both of them have equal obligation to serve the nation. A fake allegation is enough to destroy check and balance of power. If our politicians can make parliament as a centre of exercising democracy then judiciary will also get relief from declaring martial law proclamation void. I’m optimist that our cream of the crop will think about it

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