Thursday, June 5, 2014

To get all of your desired information

Present era is the time of free flow of information. Taxpayers of this country have right to get proper information not only from all Governmental Organizations (GO) of the country but also from Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) also. Freedom of information can ensure transparence, accountability, good governance and rule of law ultimately among the government activity. 

Hence if you require any information from any government or non-government organization irrespective of your purpose the organization is obliged to provide that information within a stipulated time under the obligation of the Right to Information Act, 2009. Moreover, Govt. and some specified NGOs are bound to appoint information officer for this purpose under the provision of this Act. Moreover, you can get relevant information from local Govt. institutions like: City Corporation, Municipality (Paurashava) or Union Parishad about their local budget, rate of taxes, development projects, aged allowance, widow allowance, Vulnerable Group Feeding (VGF), Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) etc.

How to apply: To get any information from any organization, you will have to apply in writing either on the form prescribed by the authority (available on the Information Commission’s web site) or on white paper or even electronically through fax/email to the designated information officer of the concern office.  If there is no designated officer yet in that workplace then address your application to the head of that office. 

You must write your name, address, fax number/email address (if applicable), detail particulars about the information required, any other relevant information (if any), means to get information ie you may have a desire to inspect the document/resolution/decision/materials, you may take note from that document, you can get a copy on paper or in CD by paying reasonable expense etc. 

However, Government will supply some information free of cost periodically. The officer is obliged to provide requisite information within twenty days from the date of receipt of such application. Nevertheless, he/she will get additional ten days if your required information is connected with more than one authority. 

But if the information is linked with individual’s life-death, arrest, release from prison then the officer will present primary information regarding these within 24 hours. Nonetheless, if the information officeholder is being unable to provide the information, he/she will contact the matter with the applicant within ten days from the date of receiving application. In addition, it is the duty of the designated official to deliver all sorts of help to the disable (differently able) applicant to acquire the information accordingly.

Information which will not be disclosed: You are not entitled to seek information concerning confidential/personal matter, affairs associated with state security and sovereignty, information affecting foreign relationship, confidential info acquired from foreign state, info hampering privileges of parliament, information regarding intellectual properties/business secret, contemptuous info, information hampering interest of any authority, information which create obstacle to apply any law, info affecting pending trial before the court, issue correlated with public interest, violation of right to privacy, information regarding any investigation or inquiry etc.

You are also not authorized to seek information from some particular state intelligence and security forces like: Defense Detective Unites, NSI, DGFI, SSF, CID, SB, Detective cell of NBR and RAB etc. Nonetheless, it is crucial to remind that if the information sought is allied with corruption or violation of human rights by these forces then the alleged organization is liable to circulate concern information regarding the allegation within 30 days under the RTI Act. 

What you ought to do in case of failure to obtain information: If the claimant is failed to gain his/her desired information within the stipulated time or if the concern official does not deliver him/her the information or if the applicant is aggrieved against any decision of that officer then he/she can file an appeal before the appellate authority within thirty days from the date of such decision. Appellate authority specified under this law is the immediate superior office/authority/organization/unit of which the information was sought firstly. However, the appellate authority has a discretionary power to extent the time after showing proper cause of delay by the appellant. 

The appellate authority will direct the officer to distribute the information within fifteen days from the date of application or after considering material facts the authority can reject and dismiss the application. However, in that case the appellant can go the Information Commission to bring allegation about such denial by the appellate authority. 

Moreover, the information seeker can bring application to the Information Commission within 30 days for rejection of preliminary application by the information officer, refusal to take the application, no appointment of officer, denial of the demand to get information, no answer from the officer, reluctant to provide information, lapse of the stipulated time to supply the info, insufficient/incorrect info etc. However, the commission has a power to admit the appeal after lapse of the mentioned time.

The commission has also authority to summon any person, can inspect document, can promulgate order to present information, can take evidence after oath or even can conduct inquiry about that allegation, if necessary. The inquiry will has to finish and declare decision within 30 days. However, the commission will try to conclude the dispute within 45 days but shall not extend more than 75 days from the date of receipt of the allegation. 

The commission after proving the accusation can impose fine upon the guilty and can recommend to take departmental action against him/her to his/her concern department of service. However, the alleged has an opportunity to defend himself/herself or if it is involve with any third party then that party has also an scope to represent himself/herself before the commission. 

After completion of the hearing of both the parties the commission may direct the officer to supply the info, disclosure of particular information, bring necessary changes to provide info, arrange such essential training on this law for the officer or may order the concern to appoint information officer. Alternatively, the commission can dismiss an application after giving proper opportunity to the concern party. However, the Information Commission will contact its decision to the parties in writing. 

You may appear personally or through lawyer to represent your appeal before the Information Commission. The office of the commission is situated at Agargaon, Dhaka. You can take more assistance and be able to download various forms from its web site

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