Saturday, July 8, 2017

Can an Unscientific Test Prove Rape?

Bangladeshi rape victims not only suffering from grave physical and mental trauma for rape rather we can marked it as first phase of the torture which open multi windows to be persecuted further. The path way to get justice for rape victim is very stony in this country. Rape victims are usually treated judgementally from the moment they call up the incident. Indeed the victim needs to start her struggle towards justice. Victims are stricken by social stigma, repeated utterance of her harrowing experience in every steps of getting justice, maligned two-finger test, dishonour during trial by questioning chastity, humiliation by defence counsel during cross examination etc. Investigating agencies also highly relies on two-finger test to frame charge against rapist. Consequently, victims are disinclined to report the crime due to the fear of losing her privacy again after the occurrence of a monstrous crime against her. Despite that, if one justice seeker shows courage to go to court, becomes frustrate and hopeless at one point about the minimum chance of getting fare justice. As a result, either she doesn’t pursue the case properly or withdraw her complaint to become hassle free.  

Yet we can change the scenario by altering the horrendous two-finger test of the victim, amending the patriarchal legal provision of questioning character, introducing technology during investigation and so on. The horrific two-finger test is nothing but an extra torture and cruel treatment to the victim to prove the crime. The two-finger test or virginity test allows doctor to inspect the hymen of women who have been raped and also test vaginal size and laxity to decide whether the victim is habituated to sexual intercourse.
While there is no scientific or legal connection between rape, and habituation to intercourse, this evidence is frequently used in our criminal justice system to conclude whether rape took place or not. As if rape can only be committed against a virgin girl. What happen if somebody has previous sexual orientation like a married lady is being raped? It indicates that our total system is only focusing to a woman who has no prior sexual experience and others are disqualified to get justice! Additionally, if the rape survivor passes the test then she is to be treated as virgin that means she rape was not took place or alternatively, if she fails, it indicates she is sexually habituated which ultimately favors the accused.
Moreover the size of vaginal opening varies among women; the hymen is a flexible membrane which can be ruptured before sex due to many reasons. While gang rape happened the fact that finding habituation may be a result of that gang rape itself. Gang rape is more severe in nature than rape which needs to be addressed specifically by the law. Regrettably we do not have any separate provision to deal with the offence of gang rape except any woman or child dies in consequence of gang rape or injury causing out of rape. Incident may become more brutal if it commits against a pregnant woman.
However, there are too many variables to determine the flexibility of the vagina e.g. the size of doctor’s finger, perception of easy accessibility of the doctor may varies from person to person, experience etc. Additionally, rape can also be committed by partial penetration of penis; complete penetration or ejaculation is not at all necessary to prosecute the rapist. Even someone can bring allegation of rape against an individual with whom she is habituated to sex before. Habituation to intercourse itself is not a ground not to be raped.
Albeit sexual violence by means and manner other than penile-vaginal penetration is common and may take the form of penile-anal penetration, penile-oral penetration, finger-vaginal penetration or object-vaginal penetration but these are not recognised as any form of sexual violence in our country. One may merely bring an action for hurt or grievous hurt for these. Nevertheless, these are sexual assaults also and cannot be proved by outrageous two-finger test.
Furthermore, there is no sufficient and well equipped medical arrangement for this test in every hospital and often it is done by male doctor and male assistant in an open place which is a serious violation of right to privacy. Indeed this virginity test is a further arrangement of traumatization, aggression to her dignity, sexual violence by the system. However, forensic medical evidence can play crucial role to convict the accused but these issues should be dealt more sensitively. That is why; set up a separate designated room for forensic and medical examination of victims is crying need for us to avoid the infringement of privacy. There must be provisions to provide alternative clothing for the victims and smooth collection of medico legal cases evidence keeping in mind the sensitivity of the circumstances. To do any sort of medical examination for a rape victim if the doctor is male, a female attendant must be there and while carrying out medical tests no third person must be present in the room other than the doctor. Counselling should also be provided to victim to address the psycho-social impact of sexual violence and to alleviate her woes. However, doctors should not use the term rape in their opinion as it is purely legal matter which will ultimately determined by the court what we observed in Banani rape case rather they can say whether there is any evidence of forceful intercourse. Media should also be sensitive in reporting these incidents.
The World Health Organization’s guidance on the medical examination of rape survivors highlights that even a speculum examination of the vaginal walls to locate injuries “may be particularly difficult for the patient, as it may remind her of the assault. Even so concerned are not taking consent of the rape survivor to carry out the test. They presume that consent is not particularly important, as filing an FIR is deemed to entail any necessary examinations which is a misconception. Informed consent of the victim should be taken before any examination and informing to parent/guardian in case the victim is under aged or not in a position to give her consent. Names of examination, intended sample, purpose of analysis and how the procedure may be carried out has to be informed to the victim.
To come to a conclusion against this invasive human right violating, the Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust (BLAST); seven others human rights, women rights, legal service organizations and two other individuals filed a public interest litigation before the High Court Division (HCD) challenging the test in 2013. In response, the HCD issued a rule against the legality and authenticity of the outdated draconian practice of two-finger test. The court also ordered to frame a guideline to eliminate this practice of the test and arrange sensitivity training for the medical personnel who will deal the matter. However, regrettably the rule still remains pending before the court. Nevertheless, criminal justice experts, lawyers, police and forensic specialists have demonstrated that this kind of test has neither evidentiary value nor scientific merit rather breaches national and international human rights standards, compounds the victim’s trauma and paradoxically amounts to a further sexual assault.
Hence, we should not waste more time to abolish this terrific and unscientific process to prove rape case. Government must take immediate step(s) to eliminate two-finger test and to formulate a comprehensive medical guideline for forensic medical care for sexual assault. Otherwise, victim will not only abused by the rapist but also infringed by the state as well. 

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