Thursday, October 18, 2012

YouTube: Shut down cannot be a solution

A movie named “Innocence of Muslims” allegedly by Nakoula Basseley firstly released on YouTube (World’s largest video sharing website, hereinafter referred as “The Site”). The movie insults Prophet Muhammad and Islam. Consequently, Muslims from all over the world explode with grave reaction and censure against the movie. Some of them were more violent which even caused death in some country. Albeit, all we know that Islam is religion of peace.

Indubitably, the maker(s) of this film creates anarchy among the global village. In addition, they infringe the notion of freedom of expression. They should exercise their right responsibly and reasonably. The right to freedom of expression is not beyond responsibility.

Similar to rest of the world, Muslims of our country are offended by this film. A very little portion of them reacted aggressively while a group of them wanted to protest National Women Policy on this occasion when they made clash with police at National Press Club premises on 22 September. On this ground, they have already been observed a daylong strike (hartal) in this territory. Although, the leaders of this movement were unaware about the contents of the said cinema and its linkage with the site.

At this situation, on 16 September, Government of Bangladesh directed Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) to request the authority of the site to remove the film from their web page. On 17 September night around at 10.30 P.M while BTRC did not get any reply from the requesting authority, they decided to shut down the site from Bangladesh.

However, dying the entire site from the country was not the only alternative to Bangladesh government. Because BTRC has an option to write to the concern authority to block those specific links, which contain the movie and clippings from our territory. It was happened in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Iran, Malaysia and even in India. YouTube authority was prohibiting access to those controversial videos from these countries. 

Regrettably, government of our country forbids whole YouTube and still (till 14 October) the site is prohibited in our country. Perhaps no one but the God knows how long govt. wishes to restrict the site. Because YouTube has already clarified that, they do not withdraw the film from their site due to their policy to withdraw any video uploaded except pornography. If govt. decides to revive the site after some days then what would be their justification to close the site previously? Otherwise, probably we will perpetually be deprived from accessing YouTube for this film. 

Cutting the whole brain while headache is nothing but a whimsical decision which our govt. prefer often. Otherwise, they do not took such a gibberish  decision. YouTube not only contains “Innocence of Muslims” rather it exhibits so many constructive materials, which can enrich our life. A huge portion of them are relating with education. Famous Khan Foundation and other organizations circulate their enlightening educational videos through YouTube from one corner to another corner of the earth. A lot of Bangla educational videos are also available now on YouTube. Hence shutting down of the whole site is an instance of cutting down citizens’ right to access internet freely (now a days access to internet is regarded as a right). By closing down the total site like Pakistan, Bangladesh government probably showed extremist approach towards the planet.

Closing YouTube is not at all an appropriate conclusion to prohibit people from watching the movie. Because modern technology unlocks various gate to explore the world. One can spread the movie through email from abroad; even it can be watched from Bangladesh through proxy site and by many other alternatives.

In today’s world, cyber crime evolved as an anxiety as well as very complex to determine liability. It is extremely difficult to confine the ambit of citizens’ freedom to access internet by imposing restriction. It can call danger instead of a solution. Technical approach from government to this dilemma can resolve the matter amicably. Hence, closing down any web site i.e. facebook or YouTube  cannot be a solution rather taking shelter of proper way could be an effective means to restrain these types of  destructive  activities.

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